BUG API V2 ? not retrieving correct datas when passing access token in url

I believe you are referencing known issues, it was previously fixed but seems to have came back.

Currently Known Kraken API Issues

As per Authenticated API Requests - Placing the OAuth in the URL is acceptable. The incorrect output is just a bug.

When an API request requires authentication, you can send the access token you obtained above in any of the following ways:

Send token as header:

curl -H “Authorization: OAuth [access token]” https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/

Send token as URL parameter:

curl https://api.twitch.tv/kraken?oauth_token=[access token]

Send token in the HTTP body (cannot be used with GET and DELETE methods)

curl -d ‘oauth_token=[access token]’ https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/cevtest15/commercial