Chatbot rate limit thoughts

Oh nice, I didn’t realise they have a proper form for it now as when I had my rate limits increased it was just through an email.

As i just today pushed a significant update to my bot which caused the highest usage peak we’ve had so far and did not hit any apparent rate limits, i can say that modded, it’s not a problem.

The bot does ask to be modded for it join, solely because it posts links (and some people auto-ban for that) and at times can get very spammy. As discussed before here, this is certainly not optimal, but from the fact that we were easily hitting discord’s webhook rate limit (announcing certain things happening with the bot), i would have guessed that we definitely exceeded the default rate limit, but we did not collect the usage data directly, but i may reconstruct it from my debug logs later.

Thing i want to get across: This was an extremely spammy operation (the bot’s in 51 channels by now) and we did not get rate limited on twitch. I am okay with the current rate limits.
Note: I’m using pydle on default settings which by itself already limits the lines sent per second, but the bot did not feel unresponsive during the whole thing.

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