Get information by channel name

Thanks for the reply!!

That’s weird. One example is
I can just select any channel, no login required and I can get a bunch of analytics info.

Also. What I need in order to get a list of followers by channel name ?

I was generating the Access_Token, but I found your old response here and I got confused. So I need NO TOKEN at all?

I was generating token like (my own info from my dashboard):

async function getToken() {
    const clientId = ENV.CLIENT_ID
    const secret = ENV.SECRET
    const url = `${clientId}&client_secret=${secret}&grant_type=client_credentials`
    const { data } = await
    return data

Reading get-users endpoint, I do need to pass as Authorization value.

Here I was trying to get user info

async function getData() {
  const url = ""
  const { access_token } = await getToken()

  const data = await axios.get(url, {
    headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${access_token}` }

  return data

But it returns

 data: {
      error: 'Unauthorized',
      status: 401,
      message: 'Client ID and OAuth token do not match'

Could you give me some light?