Giving broadcasters control; concurrent join limits for IRC and EventSub

But if I create 5 clients with 100 channels connected to each one it should work, right?

The announcement doesn’t specify how multiple connections are handled, but the limitations would be somewhat pointless if they could be circumvented by simply making more connections.

If you need to join a large number of channels, the appropriate way to scale is to have the broadcaster grant your app the required permissions or make your bot a mod, and if you’re unable/unwilling to get those permissions then you may have a use case Twitch doesn’t wish to support which is why the point of this topic is to give broadcasters more control.


Got this in my email? Says im a chatbot? Which im not? Im so confused😂

The basically don’t worry about it as it doesn’t apply to you.

At some point you/someone requested verified chat bot on the account in question. Or were assigned it.

But if you are a normal website user and got this email it’s safe to ignore it, since you are not operating a chat bot.