ok yeah it seems that the caller of the poll function is not authorized by my main channel since I think that should be it’s ID:
I used streamweasels twich channel id converter … in hind sight maybe again not something i should use because third party …
response: * Connected to irc-ws.chat.twitch.tv:443
Failed with 403 body: {“error”:“Forbidden”,“status”:403,“message”:“Error.PermissionDenied: ownedBy 53860089 is not a partner or affiliate”}
I assume this is happening because I am not affiliated and won’t be able to test any further until I get affiliated?!
You can just call get userswithout any query params and get the user for the token. or the Validate Endpoint
No need to use a tool/website. (Other than the Cli might can be set to use your own token)
Poll’s API needs the token from the broadcaster/channel. And the right ID in the request
Polls also required the account to be an affiliate or better
Calling Get users via the CLI with the specified ID
barrycarlyon@Tara ~ % twitch api get 'users?id=53860089'
"data": [
"broadcaster_type": "",
"created_at": "2013-12-26T11:14:23Z",
"description": "I'm just some prehistoric fossil that should have stayed buried underground. I wish not to be turned into ash since I want to become fossil fuel, just like my ancestors became.",
"display_name": "Slurbisaur",
"id": "53860089",
"login": "slurbisaur",
"offline_image_url": "",
"profile_image_url": "https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/f0953cbe-a61b-4e9b-9193-42f8b71fbef1-profile_image-300x300.png",
"type": "",
"view_count": 0
Polls won’t work in chat via /pollor via the API, as affiliate or better is needed