I am not sure what my authentication issue is but my oAuth token seems to always be wrong

ok yeah it seems that the caller of the poll function is not authorized by my main channel since I think that should be it’s ID:
I used streamweasels twich channel id converter … in hind sight maybe again not something i should use because third party …

response: * Connected to irc-ws.chat.twitch.tv:443
Failed with 403 body: {“error”:“Forbidden”,“status”:403,“message”:“Error.PermissionDenied: ownedBy 53860089 is not a partner or affiliate”}

I assume this is happening because I am not affiliated and won’t be able to test any further until I get affiliated?!

You can just call get users without any query params and get the user for the token. or the Validate Endpoint

No need to use a tool/website. (Other than the Cli might can be set to use your own token)

Poll’s API needs the token from the broadcaster/channel. And the right ID in the request

Polls also required the account to be an affiliate or better

Calling Get users via the CLI with the specified ID

barrycarlyon@Tara ~ % twitch api get 'users?id=53860089'
  "data": [
      "broadcaster_type": "",
      "created_at": "2013-12-26T11:14:23Z",
      "description": "I'm just some prehistoric fossil that should have stayed buried underground. I wish not to be turned into ash since I want to become fossil fuel, just like my ancestors became.",
      "display_name": "Slurbisaur",
      "id": "53860089",
      "login": "slurbisaur",
      "offline_image_url": "",
      "profile_image_url": "https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/f0953cbe-a61b-4e9b-9193-42f8b71fbef1-profile_image-300x300.png",
      "type": "",
      "view_count": 0

Polls won’t work in chat via /poll or via the API, as affiliate or better is needed

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