Twitch API Version Update Discussion & FAQ

Will there ever be a way to get all users that are currently in the channel? Like chatters but official?

@SeeingBlue Messaged you directly about this.

@Hoffs Already covered in previous answers. Short answer: nothing to announce right now. :slight_smile:

Are there any plans to move over to ids for games as well?

At the moment game names change from time to time, making some stored game names invalid. I was going to move over to using the game id, but thereā€™s currently no way to query which game a game-id belongs toā€¦

Iā€™d also be interested in the answer to @SeeingBlueā€™s question about receiving ids on join in IRC. Also related, receiving the room-id in the ROOMSTATE message would be great, as mentioned earlier in the thread.

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Please add an ā€œ_idā€ property to the ā€œchannelā€ property of the video response object.

We heard you loud and clear, query by login is here:

Before you ask, yes, weā€™re looking into making a bulk version. :wink: Please be patient. Itā€™s a holiday week in the US, so weā€™re all a little scarce. As always, Iā€™ll keep you posted as we add these things.

CC: @3ventic @freaktechnik @moocat @george @Larklen @SeeingBlue @Wolfspirit and more Iā€™m sure I missed.

@moocat I donā€™t think so since this is all synced with GiantBomb. Iā€™ll have to check on that.

@jwheare There actually wasnā€™t an answer. :slight_smile: Just information gathering privately to not gum up the thread. Iā€™ll let everyone know the resolution as we come to it. Noted. Thanks for pointing that out!


Will this script below still work on v5 of the API

@LawlyPopzz You need to speak with the developer of that particular code to ensure theyā€™re updated. You can point them to this post or the blog.

I could update it if it needs to be iā€™m just not sure if it ill need to or not! and thanks for the email about the change

Thank you and no rush. We got time. :slight_smile: Any idea what the bulk limit would be? 50? 100?

Edit: Also what other useful information can we add to this endpoint? Can we also add a query to compare a specific channel and get follower and subscriber data too? I might be asking too much, but you never know! I just want to avoid querying the API twice when I can.

Why is the id a string in the response while itā€™s an integer in all other parts of the API?

i.e. the response for is:

  "_total": 1,
  "users": [
      "display_name": "dallas",
      "_id": "44322889",
      "name": "dallas",

but for itā€™s:

  "language": "en",
  "_id": 44322889,
  "name": "dallas",

Itā€™s just a little thing but Iā€™d like to see this being consistent.

@SeeingBlue Probably similar to other endpoints, which is 100 I think?

@Rodney Good catch! I think this should always be a string (hence why the newer endpoint has a string). Iā€™ll double check.

Will this endpoint be changing at all?

@LawlyPopzz Nothing in the auth flows relies on a username, so there is no planned change.

thank you, thats much better then using the search

Iā€™ve been rewriting stuff for v5 and this has come up as an issue. Whatā€™s the word on this? Will it change to return a user-id, or remain returning a username?

This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.

Iā€™ve spent nearly a month working to get my software working with the current APIā€¦I wish there had been mention of this somewhere on the main page ( or in the docs. :frowning:

This is gonna suck.

Donā€™t worry jpcguy89 - you have until Feb 2018 to migrate over because v3 will be available until then.

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