The way our chat parses this is loads this data on startup, and then when the badges tag is encountered in a TMI privmsg tag, it looks at the key that matches it in this API response.
Current TMI tag format: ...badges={badge_set_id}/{badge_set_version},{badge_set_id}/{badge_set_version}...
This is the first time you give the right of viewers to put a badge of what I know. Does he now have no other to announce events or something, because I think this idea is great!
@vivabenfica4 you can type /horde or /alliance to equip the horde/alliance badges. (type /hordeoff or /allianceoff to de-equip)
@ARTI This was a concious decision we made to make sure we didn’t obliterate the limited space we have in chat. We absolutely are looking at how turbo badges fits into any future badge products
Hey, could you enable jsonp for this endpoint?
Also, I noticed that appending a slash to the url makes it 404, which is inconsistent with the rest of the API
@CBenni@3ventic What’s your use case for needing CORs? What isn’t working for you?
@CBenni It’s not uncommon in APIs and sites to 404 for a trailing slash. You should not include a trailing slash for the final resource you’re requesting. That is consistent with APIs, though we’re doing some org wide API work that will address these types of inconsistencies.
I have a custom chat renderer that needs access to the badges. Currently I am confined to having my own API like similar to what ventic just said.