Discord bot for catagory notifications (not just specific users)

I was wondering what I would need to create a discord bot that can send messages when someone streams a specific game/catagory. It would be mostly used for catagories that are less commonly streamed (ie, <10 stream a month).

You like just poll get streams periodically for the categories you are interested in. And when you see a stream relay that to your discord

What specific get function is it for an entire category? Sorry, im new here

The Get Streams endpoint will return all currently live streams, and if you use the game_id param you can limit the response to a specific game. If you don’t know the ID associated with a game you can use the Get Games endpoint with the name param to translate a games Name to its ID for use in the previously linked Get Streams endpoint.

Thank you.

Bit of a tengent, but do you know any resources I coild use to learn how to make a discord bot like this. I have next to no experience with this lol.

I wouldn’t use a bot.

I’d just have a script running on a server that looks for the “small categories” polling Get Streams/finding streams that meet your criteria,

And when I find a stream, build a Discord Embed and send that to a Discord Webhook.

No acitve “bot” needed that’s running all the time.

I wouldn’t use a bot.

I’d just have a script running on a server that looks for the “small categories” polling Get Streams/finding streams that meet your criteria,

And when I find a stream, build a Discord Embed and send that to a Discord Webhook.

No acitve “bot” needed that’s running all the time.

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