Hi there,
Trying to get videos from channel by API with https://api.twitch.tv/helix/videos?first=100&user_id=my_user_id . But only 23 videos in response
Hi there,
Trying to get videos from channel by API with https://api.twitch.tv/helix/videos?first=100&user_id=my_user_id . But only 23 videos in response
Then you only have 23 videos
Since you censored your user id in your post I cannot go look at the API or your account to see what I think should be returned.
Thanks for reply,
user_id = ‘476540882’
The API shows (using the CLI command of
twitch api get ‘videos?user_id=476540882&first=100’
13 videos
I do not see an error/bug here.
So that’s all videos which available? What about older videos from previous months?
Please refer to this help guide about video retention policies
Basically: the the videos you are after no longer exist, they have been deleted.
thx Man
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