Using this part of the API “” The returned “_total” is wrong. This also shows on the website. If you go the follows page and count up the follows, the count is wrong compared to the number it shows.
I could be wrong, but I think the two numbers are cached at different rates and the API one is likely cached more so than the actual site. While the difference may not exist on small/non streamers users, there will definitely be a difference with larger streamers.
You are correct, there is a caching factor to consider. You may also get different answers in subsequent hits as you are passed between different API servers and cache servers.
I understand there is a cache but the numbers are still wrong. I haven’t touched my follows in over a month and it shows 50 on the follows page and a total count of 52.
I have checked a few other Twitch profiles and all of them are the same. All showing an extra 2 in the total follower count.
This is from my page:
illusion% curl -X GET
It seems to match, are you talking about the raw records or the _total value from the web service call?
What I’ve noticed is the _total count updates, but the actual list doesn’t at the same time.
So it’ll report the channel gained a follower, but the “follows”: […] array wont contain the new follower object until a small time later (its de-synced).
Sorry for the late reply. For example if you check out my page it says “52” under Following. If you then count the actual profile banners below it only adds up to 50. I haven’t changed me follows list in over a week.
I had a look at my own results out of curiosity, and my _total
is also 2 higher than the number of items in the follows
array. It says I’m following 102, but I’m only getting 100 results back (and yes, I am checking once with a limit of 100, and again with an offset of 100).
After testing using a limit of 1, it’s specifically at an offset of 95, and again at 100, that I receive {"_total":102,"follows":[]}
. So _total
seems to be including those 2 empty values in its count. As to what caused those empty values I’m not sure of, only thing that comes to mind might be an account being deleted/banned and for those following that account to still be following it, but as the account would not contain a bio, logo, status etc… the follows API wouldn’t include it in the results and just continue on to the next in the list.
I agree, I checked a few other accounts and some have the extras and some do not.
Bumping this up with a (redacted) example of the de-sync issue I mentioned earlier. Its a bit annoying since now I have to compensate for this.
Notice how the _total count goes up but user 45896581 stays at the top of the follows list until a subsequent request (~20s later):
"_total": 259758,
"follows": [
"created_at": "2017-06-20T21:42:19Z",
"user": { "_id": 45896581 }
"created_at": "2017-06-20T21:42:14Z",
"user": { "_id": 129776959 }
"_total": 259760,
"follows": [
"created_at": "2017-06-20T21:42:19Z",
"user": { "_id": 45896581 }
"created_at": "2017-06-20T21:42:14Z",
"user": { "_id": 129776959 }
"_total": 259760,
"follows": [
"created_at": "2017-06-20T21:44:07Z",
"user": { "_id": 91700582 }
"created_at": "2017-06-20T21:43:47Z",
"user": { "_id": 24289235 }
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