Can someone direct me to the proper way to embed a Twitch Clip in an Android App. I was using a webview but with the recent changes and the requirement of using a parent (Domain) that will play the video my app is currently broken and I’m trying to get a fix out.
It’s unclear on the fix at time of writing this post will be updated when a fix is available
Thank you for the answer, will follow the post for updates
16d has passed since the issue, still no solution for it? Any ETA?
July 7, 2020, 6:57pm
is there any solution yet?? It’s been quite a while since any response.
Further updates may be posted to
The updates I’m referencing:
In the recent updates regarding embeds, what does this mean for mobile app embeds on iOS or Android? An iOS app, for example, has no https url/domain to provide in the ‘parent’ parameter.
From the update: " With this new configuration, Twitch embeds can only be embedded on https sites . Non-https sites should plan accordingly if they intend on continued use of any Twitch embed experiences that are currently in operation on their site"
Does this mean that mobi…
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