Attempting to OAuth 2.0 in postman with Implicit Grant Flow

Screenshot from 2024-09-12 23-49-07
Its been months since I last touched this code and now that I’m back, I mostly forgot how things worked. So after lots of back and forth of sites I remember and testing, I’m unable to pull from a list of followed streams that I was able to before, but now can’t because of something I never encountered before.

Currently in postman, there is a way to authenticate in a GET run that simplifies getting the Auth token, especially for Twitch API, but it doesn’t go further than the client flow, so I had to manually switch over to Auth 2.0.

Here is the hard part, I’m trying to request a new access token, but for some odd reason, it redirects me to which then prompts me to login to, which I do not recall ever doing before, and is probably the only sole problem I am experiencing that is preventing me from requesting a token access.

Am I going in the wrong direction that takes me there or did I miss a memo that I need to make an okta account the entire time and somehow bypassed it last time I was working on this?

As I don’t use Postman this looks like an issue with using Postman.

And not related to the Twitch API, you need support from them not us.

Sounds like you’ve were last working on this before that API was changed.

To get an implict token you just do whats outlined in this example Twitch Implicit Auth Example but instead of requesting the user:read:email you would request `user:read:follows

Afte authentication you would call Get Users (or validate) to get the User ID and then call

Postman is a testing tool, so if having trouble testing within it, just go straight to your code/program

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Thanks, I was hoping someone who did use postman recently does have a workaround or solution to this new conundrum. But if I’m unable to find a solution, I’ll work with what I got and use the archaic method: creating JS files and hosting my own local server.

Thank you for your support!

I tend to generate oAuth tokens externally and drop them in than let the tool do it

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