Best and Easy to count stream viewers average

Hi every person.

I even have an app that fetches records, minute to minute, from Twitch, YouTube and Facebook streams and it calculates circulation visitors common of each movement and attracts minute a minute images.

Many instances, in Twitch, whilst you use “Get Streams” endpoint, “viewer_count” response area doesn’t alternate all through several mins (due to caching?). However, when you’re watching a move you could see how this facts is refreshed every 20-25 seconds (so it doesn’t appear caching works inside the same way here ).

To improve accuracy, does it exist alternative strategies?. Does PubSub have any subject matter to fetch actual time “viewer_count”?

In the picture under, it can see an example of ways Twitch pics carries greater directly traces because of statistics takes extra time in converting.

Your question is a duplicate or what wws discussed here

Your post is basically identical word for word to this linked post

The only documented method to get the viewer count is to poll the “Get Streams” API

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