Bot banned from Whispers?!

Please add my bot to the whitelist :smile:
Streamer: Tyrynn (
Bot: Bawk_bot

Channel: Nixxen
Bot: Nixxbot
Purpose: Require whitelist for whisper replies on commands.

Channel: the_urgist
Bot: Urgybot
Thanks in advance ^

Channel: Icey_Flames
Bot: Flames_bot
My bot has a few command reply whispers as to avoid spamming my chat. Things like checking stream currency and the commands available.

I have the same problem with my bot : Kevin_Du_69 on my stream : Cr4zZyBipBiip

Hi Xan,

Could I get my bot added to the whitelist too please?

Bot name - Foxbot_1
Channel name - Gfox_1

Many thanks dude

Can my bot please be added to the whitelist as as well? ^-^

Channel - Sionelle
Bot - TheCuratorBot

My username: TransientGamers

my bot’s username: Transient_bot

Thanks so much!

Channel: eGSpyderbyte
Botname: TheSpyderWeb

Please whitelist :wink:

Thank you in advance!

Bot acct: buffalopilot
stream acct: eth0ethan

Channel: itsBorked / zeelady / travelyan / shetalks2muchgaming (maybe more in the near future…)
Bot: CoolStoryBot

My channel - KnightDemons
My bot - KDs_Bot

My channel: DerNergy
My Bot: NergyBot

Thank you :smiley:

My channel: Loewe1337
My bot: Leo_b0t


Hi Xan! Here’s my deets :smile:
Channel name: GaryFaceman
Bot name: JacquesDuSalt

Bot: Bowzybot
Streamer: Bowzynator

Thanks. :smile:

Bot: curi0sDE_Bot
Channel: curi0sDE

Thank you :slight_smile:

Bot: jeremy_bottube
Streamer: jeremy_youtube
channel: jeremy_youtube

Bot username: UBER__Bot
Username: UBERKalti

Channel: kubrahed1
Bot: kubrahead1boot
Purpose: Require whitelist for whisper replies on commands, thank you.