Bot banned from Whispers?!

My Username: macoge2042
Bot Username: MacoBOT

It’s been quite a while since you posted this, but I figured I’d at least put my bot out there. I’d rather not have it get banned because of whisper commands. Thanks for taking the time to do this for everyone! You’re the best, dude.

Hi xangold,
thank you.

Whitelist request:
Username: worldofnerds
Channel Name: worldofnerds
Bot Name: Worldofnerdstwitchbot

Twitch - Partner: yes

Username: thevideogamebadger
Bot: babybadgerbot

Thanks for the whitelist. Hopefully this isn’t needed in the future.

Username: Shaydee90
Botname: Sneakybot_

:smiley: hope it’ll be whitelisted soon :smiley:

username: eldirtysquirrel
botname: nutavious

good luck, i know this is a pain

My name: sickmind33
bot name: sickbot33

I will be shifting my bot to do more whispers than chatting, so getting shadow banned wouldn’t be very PogChamp

Many thanks for this i use 2 diff bots depending. 2’s being worked on again. but both whisper alot

Twitch Streamer Name: SpiritualJedi
Bot1 Name: protocol_droid_c3p0
Bot2 Name: xr2_d2

thanks alot again

Hey guys,

I’ve verified & updated our database with your bots. To help speed up the addition process, please submit further applications through this form:



Table a motion to lock the thread as form now superseeds the thead.