[Bug?] Update custom reward redemption gives 403


I use Twitch API with Twurple JS library.

I am trying to fulfill or cancel a pending redemption, but the API always give a 403 error. My channel is affiliate and I checked that the broadcaster_id value matches my channel broadcaster_id.

Here is the URL generated by Twurple (called with PATCH method):

I have replaced real values by xxxx, and the status is sent in the request payload. So, I guess that Twurple implementation is good.

But, it still gives the following error 403:

“error”: “Forbidden”,
“status”: 403,
“message”: “The ID in the Client-Id header must match the client ID used to create the custom reward, or the broadcaster doesn’t have partner or affiliate status.”

Is this a Twitch API bug?


ClientID foo can only manage/update the redeems and rewards that foo created.

It seems you tried to manage/update the redeem or reward that foo doesn’t own

foo being your ClientID

Thanks for your answer Barry.
But, I am the creator of the reward.
Do you mean that if I manually create a reward in the dashboard, I cannot use it in the API?

You cannot manage it or it’s redeems via the API no, only consume, if the reward is created via the dashboard.

You can create it via the API then change whatever you want in the dashboard with it

The creator of the rewards is in:

  • the dashboard clientID
  • a third party clientID

OK thank you, I understand better. As I guess that I cannot use the dashboard clientID in my custom application, I think I will have to create the reward with the API.

Correct yes (just to be clear)

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