Can I test locally the video_component.html and

I wanted to test the video_component.html but locally but I am not sure how to proceed with it,I added it to my environment the video_component.html with dummy text and I don’t see anything.
I did the basic tutorial but only for panel Create an Extension | Twitch Developers and I hear something about a rig but not sure to be honest.

Extensions are debugged the same way as websites are

So apply normal website debugging

  • Check console
  • Check network
  • Use inspector

The common pitfall here is that your local dev is not over SSL and thus you are hitting a mixed content warning which is shown in the console and/or network tools

So trace and debug

So I have these setup :

In the asset holding :

I have these files with data dummy inside:

Dummy data:

Now, if I set it up has a panel, it works, i see the panel.html loaded :

But when I want to try the video component or overlay, there is no file loaded (Obviosly setting them up in the config before hand)

So maybe I cannot test these functionalitys unless I am live on twitch?

To view an overlay or componenet extension the channel it is installed upon needs to be live.

As they overlay the video, no video no extension.

The rig is loooooong dead

Is there no way around this? so the only option that I have is to go live on another channel and do tests there, o well.

Is there a way I can share extension with another streamer (my other non dev account), to test it on there withouht installing the extension through the console,etc?

I use one of my bot accoutns to test against using ffmpeg to send a test image/screenshot

The other streamer would need to be added to the testing allow list, then install and activate the extension and (for overlay/comp) be live

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For some reason I cannot see my video_component.html because this element has a css property to hide it, display:none :

If in the inspector I change it then I can see it (red background):

Check in inspector

it’ll report something like the Extension CLIENTID not loaded

This usually indicates a lack of inclusion of the extension JS Helper
Or not inlcuding it correctly
Or a lack of onAuthorised