Can someone fix this up? To embed hosted stream

Yes which is why I mentioned the uservoice.

Users can post suggestions and other users can upvote those suggestions.

We’ll agree to disagree there then. I don’t believe it broken, a missing feature is not a bug, therefore it’s not broken, it’s just missing functionality.

Personally, I do not expect an embed to show a channel that the channel is hosting.

If that was added I’d expect it to be a option to allow the embed to show the host as a enable/disable flag, so users implementing embed can choose if they want hosts or not to show. Since for the majority of uses I use embeds for, I wouldn’t want a host to show, and most of the things I do embed, pretty much never host anyone anyway.

HOSTTARGET, is sent to chat/IRC and that’s where I would consume outbound hosting information/status from myself

There is an existing uservoice for it here, from Monday in fact

A suggestion on a different way to handle it is here:

An undocumented endpoint for host tracking is noted here: (undocumented endpoints can break or change at any time)


For clarity, I’m not Twitch staff.

Just another community developer.

As a community developer, I can’t agree that it’s broken, because to me it’s a missing feature that some people might find useful.

And if I did find it useful, I’d post the suggestion to include this functionality to the Uservoice, where feature requests go.

I wouldn’t post it to the forums or bug tracker, as forums will just send you to the uservoice and the bug tracker will close it as not a bug but a feature request, and send you to the uservoice.