cannot refresh token (Device code)

Hello, I’m encountering an issue refreshing a token generated via the device flow.
I call the first endpoint to get the URL.
call => curl --location '' --form 'client_id="<client_id>"' --form 'scopes="chat:read"'
response => {"device_code":"<device_code>","expires_in":1800,"interval":5,"user_code":"<code>","verification_uri":"<code>"}

Then, I call the second one after validating in the browser.
call =>

curl --location '' \
     --form 'client_id="<client_id>"' \
     --form 'scopes="chat:read"' \
     --form 'device_code="<device_code>"' \
     --form 'grant_type="urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code"'

reponse => {"access_token":"<refrehs_token>","expires_in":13174,"refresh_token":"<token>","scope":["chat:read"],"token_type":"bearer"}

I do get a response with a token and a refresh_token.
But when I call the endpoint, I get a 404 error. Did I miss something?
call => curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=<refrehs_token>&client_id=<client_id>'
response => {"status":400,"message":"Invalid refresh token"}

What did I miss?