Cannot upload files for Hosted Test

I am trying to upload my extension to test it out in the Hosted Test , but I keep getting the error “Unexpected error, please try again.”

I can’t get any information from the console or network tab, I have tried with different browsers, clear caches and logout/login from the account.

This is the tutorial I was following with some own ajustments

I took the code and compressed it in a zip file

  • Check the version is in local test
  • Check that the zip file is not too big
  • Check the zip file is actually a zip file
  • Check that your zip file doesn’t contain a bad file

Bad files can consist of

  • an exe
  • node_modules
  • other not “basic website stuff”
  • files in the zip with a space in the name, (common culprit are font files here)

In the winzip I had some files like “backend.jsZone.Identifier” and such, so I deleted them, also did not include the node_modules folder either.
I uploaded and now it is good! Thanks