Can't add Logo or image to extension


Currently I’d like to send my Extension for review and I noticed that I need to provide a logo, screenshot and thumbnail for my extension which I have but the problem is that it doesn’t send it at all. When I try to load the image into the configuration panel, I get an error in the Chrome console which refers to the backend of Twitch malfunctionning (AUTH2 error)

What should I do ? I’m locked in this state, can’t send anything hence can’t ask for review by Twitch staff

  1. The Extension version is in local test?
  2. Check you didn’t trip the security system - Twitch Help Portal
  3. Ad or script blockers inteferring

Yes I’m local version and I’ve tried on a fresh Firefox without any plugin installed (I use Chrome usually so nothing is installed on Firefox) and I still get the same error. I’ve checked, the image is not corrupted, right size, right format

And I’ve also tried on 2 different Twitch accounts to see if it was my accound that had a problem but still I get the exact same error.

19:59:47 [ERROR] [HermesService] bad token Error: Failed to authenticate: AUTH002

Object { tags: {…} }

I do really think that it’s a Twitch backend issue

Did you try logging off and back on again to the dev console?

Yes :frowning:

That error code means your auth token for the website is invalid. You’ll need to obtain a new one, which is done by logging out and logging back in.
Since you already did that and it didn’t resolve the issue, try going to your Twitch account’s Connections page and clicking “Disconnect” on the one listed as “Twitch Developers”. Then clear your cookies and log back into Twitch Developers

Update to this: It turns out the AUTH2 error is irrelevant to the issue you’re having, but both the issue you’re having and the AUTH2 error were investigated.

The issue with uploading images to the Extension should be fixed now. Please test again and let us know if there’s any issues.

The AUTH2 error is actively being worked on for a fix, but should not impact your experience. If you see any additional errors, please let us know here or