Cant create Prediction with TwitchLib

Hye Guys.
I have a problem, I don’t understand why I can’t create a Prediction using the TwitchLib.PubSub.Models.Responses library.
I write in C#.
I have the following json file:

(CreatedAt i replace in programm to DateTime.Now)
Logically, I send this text to the method of the Message class, and it should create a forecast on the channel.
But it doesn’t work, the program crashes.

The most obvious answer is that I didn’t even list my channel, that I can create Predictions.
But I don’t understand where and how to initialize my account.
I ask you to help and suggest how to initialize my account in code. Well, or what am I wrong about, maybe there are errors in the json file.

You should refer to the documentation of the library you’re using on how to use that library, or using the 3rd party Twitch Library discord server and getting support in the library specific channel.

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The response model describes the response to fetching a prediction.

You wyoul need to build a required using the request model.

Thats in broadcaster_id and the token used to make the request.

But this is your best bet for help with a specific library.

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