Just trying to get the node.js example from Example Chatbot Guide | Twitch Developers to work, but I must be missing something obvious. I’m using a secondary account (that we’ll call BOT) and trying to get it to connect to my stream chat.
Firstly, the app is registered with my stream account, not BOT. Is this wrong? I have a webpage to log-in and get an access token. Basically just a link:
https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/authorize?client_id=[app client id]&response_type=code&redirect_uri=[redirect url]&scope=user%3Abot%20user%3Aread%3Achat%20user%3Awrite%3Achat&state=whatever
Are these the correct scopes? I’ve logged in with BOT to get an access token. This part seems to be working since when I run the code, I get:
Validated token.
WebSocket connection opened to wss://eventsub.wss.twitch.tv/ws
Failed to subscribe to channel.chat.message. API call returned status code 400
error: 'Bad Request',
status: 400,
message: 'cannot create a subscription for a user that does not exist'
I’m certain both accounts exist and are spelled correctly, so I’m a little baffled what’s stopping it from creating a subscription. Both accounts are non-affiliate, but I’m assuming that’s not what “subscription” means in this context. I get the same error if I use my main account, or if I tell BOT to join its own chat instead.
Halp? Googling that error message brings up nothing, so I’m a bit lost.