I’m trying to subscribe to the chat moderator action PubSub topic, but no matter what I send to listen I always receive “ERR_BADAUTH” from the server. I’m stringifying the object below as the body of my request. The auth token is valid and has every scope allowed (just for testing). I’m testing on my own channel (ID 45447900), so I’m the owner, and I’m subscribing to one of my mods (ID 53439393).
Based on the replies, the OP there in question originally said they planned to open it up to other mods in the same channel. That was removed, and the wording now seems to imply to me that mods can subscribe to other mods. This is the case in production, as I can see the names of the other mods in chat itself. I don’t see why it would be different here.
Actually, I’m an idiot, I see what you’re saying. I thought I was subscribing to each other mod, so I would need to provide their IDs. Now I see I’m putting in my own ID and it will send me everything. Thank you so much, I appreciate it!