subscription type - not receiving resub events

I’m using the EventSub subscription type and I’m successfully getting sub and sub_gift notifications coming through, but can’t seem to get “resub” to come through.

Is there something I’m doing wrong here? I’m getting no errors when subscribing to the events. Also can’t seem to get the Twitch CLI to work with while testing webhook events.

Subscribing to events:
{ “channel.channel_points_custom_reward_redemption.add”, “1”},
{ “channel.hype_train.progress”, “1”},
{ “channel.hype_train.begin”, “1”},
{ “channel.hype_train.end”, “1”},
{ “channel.follow”, “2”},
{ “channel.subscribe”, “1”},
{ “”, “1”},
{ “channel.subscription.message”, “1”},
{ “”, “1”},
{ “channel.cheer”, “1”},
{ “”, “1”},
{ “”, “1”}


The CLI doesn’t support these evetns

This likely means the channel(s) you are reading from didn’t have one occur yet in order for you to collect it

I spooled up my tester

and collected a resub:

Thanks for the quick reply today.

It was totally something in my code causing the problem. Just had to eliminate the possibility I had setup something wrong.
