Checking account linking in Twitch Drops

How do Twitch determine if an account is linked when user clicked refresh button in drops campaign menu?

It’s an Internal system.

So Twitch looks up if a link exists between the two. Probably using a similar thing to how eventsub webhooks works when using an app access token to request userdata

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It is indeed an internal system, attached to the user’s connections listed on the Connections page of your account settings.
A user will have the connection appear on that page when they authorize the connection for the relevant Client ID. This “relevant Client ID” will be the Client ID set for the game by the publisher/developer in the Drops Settings on

From a publisher/developer perspective, you can validate the connection using the /oauth/validate endpoint. This endpoint will tell you if the OAuth token you have is still valid, but it will not tell you if the user still has “Connected” appear, which is purely related to what’s listed on the Connections page.

That being said, its worth noting that if you invalidate a token using /oauth2/revoke it will still appear in the Connections page, and therefore will still appear as “Connected”.

All that to say there’s no public way for you to verify if the user’s account will show “Connected” when you hit the refresh button. Instead you’ll have to verify if the token is valid, and allow for reconnection from your website.

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