Embedded player in Chrome Extensions

Hi there! We are building a gaming extension that utilises Twitch Embedded player. However we hit a wall where we need to specify embed parent, because Twitch API assumes that embed is always hosted in ‘https://’ schema and don’t allow to specify a full origin - in our case chrome-extension://.
So this would be a feature request to optionally specify a schema or full origin in parent property while calling for player render. This would allow twitch to be displayed in more environments and devices, so it’s a good boost for you guys as well.

Also, I found an earlier discussion regarding this, but it seems to be dead:

Feature requests should be made on UserVoice https://twitch.uservoice.com/forums/310213-developers?category_id=356962, and if there is an existing request for such a feature you should vote for it and consider adding a comment with your specific use case.

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Thanks for heads up! Found a related issue and upvoted on it: Make embeds work on iOS web based apps (like ionic) – Twitch UserVoice
Maybe you have a ballpark timeline how actively devs react to these requests?

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