Error When Opening Mange Bits Products Page in Dev Rig

I’ve attached an image of the error I receive. My extension itself still works through the rig as well as the bits product(s) that are currently there. I just havn’t had a need to go back there til now where i’ve come across this error. Any help would be welcomed.

@Zac-Goddard-Codices thanks for reporting! Based on a few other reports, we investigated and this morning we rolled back a small release that we believe caused this to happen. Can you try again and let me know if you still experience issues?

It doesn’t look like there’s anything new to get from the dev-rig repository. Is there something else i have to update?

The issues we had fixed were related to the backend endpoints that interact with Bits products. So you shouldn’t have had to update anything. Are you on the discord channel? Can you DM me your username?

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Have done now. Feel free to message me on there :slight_smile: