I would like to ask for your help please. I need to create a component on top of an overlay, and I am trying to do this using the following link: Twitch Developers. In the video_component.html file, I have the appropriate link. However, when uploading the extension to Twitch, something goes wrong and the component does not display correctly along with the button.
Then you need to debug it like you would a regular website.
You’ve not provided any additional information to help you.
So you need to apply normal website debugging and trace the fault.
Did network tools 404?
Do you have any errors in the console?
If in local test if your testing base URI isn’t over SSL then you’ll have fun accepting mixed content warnings…
Is something else I havn’t listed occuring?
I beg your pardon. I’m not asking you to write this. It’s just that when I do this, and start adding an extension, I don’t get anything displayed at all. But in the browser locally everything is displayed correctly.
Could you just look on Github and tell me what could be causing the display problems? Thank you
Other than the Twitch Extension helper you shouldn’t be loading external JS (I think Google Analytics and Google Fonts are also allowed, but the Extension Helper is required). You’re trying to use jQuery from a CDN rather than locally bundled with your Extension.
Can you please tell me what is wrong with my code? I don’t need a token for authorization, as I only have a button with classes and a js file with import twitch.js