Extension Onboarding Was Approved, but can't start Affiliate Onboarding

This past weekend, I got my eligibility for Affiliate status, but saw that I still had not completed the onboarding for Extension Developers. I went and completed that immediate, and received an email in short order approving me for the program. I reviewed the documentation, and it seems like the main twitch site isn’t realizing that the approval has taken place, because the email I received should have been it. Whenever I click the Get Started button for Affiliate it just tells me that the Extension Developer Onboarding is in progress and to continue it, when it has been fully completed.

Due to that, I haven’t received my Affiliate Invite via email and I’m completely unable to progress further. I’ve also reached out on help.twitch.tv and have yet to receive a response beyond an automated one. As of right now I’m even able to create extensions, which again, would only be possible on approval to the program.

UPDATE: From when I started the case and got an initial (and irrelevant) auto response: Case #13900293.


Same exact problem. I reached out to support 7 days ago and have yet the receive a response.

Ah, good to know it’s not just me then… I’ve also reached out with no reply yet. It took me a while to get to exactly what was going on too.

Update: Still unresolved, and no response from support

Support can take awhile unfortunately. Sometimes several weeks.

Several weeks is a bit ludicrous…

It’s up to Day 10 since my first correspondence with the team. Still nothing :frowning:

Once you’re in the support queue there’s nothing to do but be patient and wait. You’re not the only one waiting and repeat posts, across a couple different threads, doesn’t help anyone. As staff have already said here there are different issues that can be the cause, and there are solutions, so you just have to let them do their job as no one else here can do anything to help you.

@Dethklok1637 I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with the on-boarding process.

I’ve reached out to the team to see if we have any additional insight to offer.

Please feel free to email me if you have any other questions.

[my username] @twitch.tv :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I appreciate it and will definitely reach out if I have any questions :slight_smile:

I’ve have the same issue and send a support mail to Twitch and got the auto-reply. I replied back, because it didn’t fit my issue, didn’t get a reply. I send some additional mails asking for feedback, yet have not received any sign of life from the support team.

So far 1 week has passed and nothing has happened. Out of desperation I emailed @Amorelandra in the hope an answer about this issue has been given. It seems there’s a lot more people having this issue or a very similar one and it seems no one has a solution.

I can only preach patience on the matter. She isn’t part of twitch support (correct me if I’m wrong), but has done the great favor of passing on the message. I’ve been waiting on this since July 15th, and posting any more than I had already wouldn’t be constructive at all.

To be clear as well, I was never intending to send the message of being any more important or confusing the fact that twitch support should focus on my issue when they have jobs to do themselves. It’s just difficult to gain traction on these issues, and this was the next most constructive place to post. I’m just hoping this can get closed up sooner than later since, as said above, I’m into week 3 on this. I’ve worked long enough and hard enough on my channel and brand to know that an extra week doesn’t make that much of a difference.

Hey all! I’ve been forwarding your information to the support team for further investigation.

We’ve identified the root cause of the issue, and are working on a fix.

In the mean time please continue to reach out to me via email if you need assistance.

Just throw @twitch.tv onto my display name and shoot me a message.

Please include your case # as well.

I have the exact same issue as you Dethklok1637. Please some one help! I got my eligibility for Affiliate status and completed onboarding for extension developers, and received an email approving me for the program. But the twitch website isn’t recognizing that the approval has taken place, because the email I received should have been it. Whenever I click the Get Started button for Affiliate it just tells me that the Extension Developer Onboarding is in progress and to continue it, when it has been fully completed. I’m stuck and do not know what to do!

I have kinda the same issue, except for

  1. the emails, like i didn’t receive a single mail from when i first “asked” to have access to twitch’s API for starting my work on my first app. Just clicked the link “verified e-mail” and that’s it.
  2. My on-boarding page in the dashboard it’s different from the others, like i spent hours and hours reading through different post but links like this one (https://www.twitch.tv/YOUR-USERNAME/dashboard/settings/payout-onboarding that in my case is https://www.twitch.tv/greenjack90/dashboard/settings/payout-onboarding) doesn’t work error 404 (https://prnt.sc/ku0spz)
  3. I completed the affiliate achieve on the 20th of August 2018 but, as i said above no mail have been received since that (https://prnt.sc/ku0tia).
  4. I noticed the “Extension Developer” tab in my dashboard that it’s different from what other ppl had in the past (due to twitch updates obv i guess), anyway they had it in the settings tab, instead i have this (https://prnt.sc/ku0u7c), anyway i filled up all the info required as u can see here (http://prntscr.com/ku0ujl ; http://prntscr.com/ku0uqy) the same day i achieved “Path to Affiliate” and still nothing from that time. I noticed after i completed the “Extension Developer on-boarding” that was different from what some friends of mine got for joining the affiliate program and that’s when i got confused
  5. As i said above i have been through so many hours of reading here, twitch’s guide for extensions and affiliate onboarding, video from @jbulava showing how “Extension Developer on-boarding works” (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/239085861). Anyway i didn’t click in the “dev portal” (https://dev.twitch.tv/dashboard) the “Getting started button” (http://prntscr.com/ku0xym) as he shows in the video, and that was another concern that prob twitch needs to “know” that i’m ready to join the Dev on-boarding, BUT he also says (as the Guide http://prntscr.com/ku0yl8) that you should receive an email in about 48h from when u finish proving all the info required. The problem here is that: he FIRST goes into the dev portal and click getting Started, so when he comes in the dashboard he gets the “In Progress” under Extensions, so he can’t actually create a new extension since he doensn’t have the permission yet, THEN he goes to the main dashboard on twitch.tv and there he complete the “Extension Developer Onboarding”. In my case i didn’t click the getting started in dev portal and i first completed almost a month ago the On-boarding (also thinking at first that it wasn’t there before, and it “unlocked” as i achieved the “Path to affiliate”), just few days ago i then went to the portal and clicked the “Getting Started” button and went to my dashboard where i can see my app and i’m able to make extensions as u can see (http://prntscr.com/ku11n8 ; http://prntscr.com/ku11vp). So i should be in the extension developer program and my account marked as a dev.
  6. I read in some comments that the Onboarding system (dev or affiliate) can’t go once there is another in the background and some guys have this message on their screen when they try to complete the affiliate one (https://gyazo.com/e53cd6bbb9b3b9724e1bf46afd18ae52) the problem is that i don’t see anything like that, also as i said couple of times NO mails have been received yet (dev or affiliate) eventho my account is marked as a dev and i can make extensions…

I don’t know what to do, pls someone help me to fix this since it’s actually frustrating, cause days passed, a month already passed and still nothing happened. I don’t have any feeds as someone else already pointed to take track if this is working or not and what do i have to do if i’m missing something or if i made a mistake, so i just waited, i wrote to support and i’m going to try again, but since this is the best place for amount of ppl with experience, directly contact with twitch staff and tempestive answers i’m hoping in an answer asap that will hopefully help me fixing this issue and getting finally through affiliate program.
Ty for your time, have a nice day

Hi Greenjack90,

I have the exact same issue as you described and contacted Twitch support for this (still waiting for an answer). I also send Amorelandra an email on the address she mentioned earlier in this thread (also waiting, hopefully on a answer)

I’am also getting a bit frustrated on this and almost thinking about to create a whole new account on twitch and do the Achievements again.

Thanks for listening and have a good day, hope it will be sorted out soon!

Root Duk (twitch: rootduk)

I have this exact same problem. I found a Reddit post recommending users post a support ticket, get immediately rejected (because it involves onboarding), and respond to the email they send you in order to get it sorted out.

I think this happened to me because a little while ago I went to look at making an extension and when I saw I had to fill out tax forms I didn’t do it at the time. After passing my Affiliate milestone it kicked me back to the Extension Developer Onboarding page, which I then completed successfully (all automated, no review needed).

jaykay907 appears to have gotten it sorted out because he got affiliate on September 14 going by a past Vod title (congrats dude). Will post back here what steps were taken to get it when I finally get it and time to get it if you have this issue.

I recently reached my milestones to be eligible for Affiliate status. At the moment I completed them, I had a partially complete on-boarding process for the Extensions Developer program. My dashboard instructed me to finish this process before I could proceed with the Affiliate on-boarding. I promptly completed the Extensions Developer on-boarding (including all tax and financial steps) and I was approved (I even received an email confirming the approval). After having finished the Extensions Developer on-boarding process, my “Path To Affiliate” section of my dashboard presented me with a button to “Get Started” on my Affiliate on-boarding. However, this button simply re-directs me to the “Extensions Developer” section of my dashboard settings, where it shows me the options to edit my already completed Extensions Developer on-boarding.

I’ve emailed support, got the irrelevant auto-reply, responded that it didn’t address my issue, and the response I finally got back from (seemingly) a real person was regarding Affiliate payouts and had absolutely nothing to do with my issue. I responded again but can’t even tell if my case is still active or if it was closed?

This is very frustrating. My case is #14110018, if there is anyone out there who is both willing and able to help.

Ive been facing the same problem, is it still an issue? I recently achieved the goals and im eligible for affiliate program, but got the extension dev invitation, i completed the onboarding for extension dev but the affiliate part is not there

Please don’t bump threads from over 6 years ago. Also this is a developer community, the Twitch Affiliate Program is outside the scope of this forum, you need to go through Twitch Support https://help.twitch.tv/