Extension panel is blank on local test and twitch hosted

I have an index.html, poll.js, style.css extension. It is pretty simple. The index.html includes the poll script which periodically polls an external api for leaderboard information. The index.html serves this info. I can see it working when I host it locally, but my attempt to connect this extension to twitch results in an empty panel:
I know that this is user error, but I’m not sure where to start looking. I had this same issue when I followed the “would you rather” tutorial, meaning I got an empty panel.
I tried skipping this step and moving straight to the hosted test just in case I’m having a local cert issue or something. But same result.

Check the console and/or network tab of inspector

Extensions are debugged the same way as regular websites, as they are a website.

Common issues here are:

  • 404 index.html failed to load as your zip file is incorrectly built, such as a zip of a folder of files isntead of a zip of files (network tab)
  • index.html loaded but you didn’t include the Twitch JS Helper. (console tab with a “ClientID not loaded” error)
  • index.html loaded you have the Twitch JS helper but you didn’t invoke the JS Helper and it’s onAuthorized functions (console tab with a “ClientID not loaded” error)
  • your tried to use inline JS/CSS (csp error in console tab)
  • you tried to load External JS (csp error just not allowed)
  • you tried to load Javascript but you used an absolute link instead of a relative link preventing the loading (network tab 404 on the JS)

thats just a few things it can be off the top of my head

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I did not include the twitch js helper. Do I need it even if I’m not calling any twitch apis?

Yes and onAuthorized invoked

According to this tutorial, all I need is an html file to create an extension:

I follow that tutorial and see the same thing above, a blank panel. In console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ().

thats suggests

It’s a zip file with one file inside, index.html. Is that incorrect?

If that matches the entries you put in the developer console for the path to the views to load sure.

Often people create a zip file and accidentally do a folder in the zip instead of the files

So you need to trace and debug and check its loading what you think it’s loading

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I really appreciate your responses! I knew it was something dumb, but takes a while to debug when I have no experience in this area. I’m posting my stupidity here in case it helps anyone in the future. I named my file index.html, but Windows added a .txt to it, so it was actually index.html.txt. Hence, it could not be found.
Thanks again, Barry!