I have a Test Back End that uses PubSub, that all works fine and I can have that do stuff on the Front End.
I also have a Test App (Test Game) that connects to the Back End via Twitch OAuth2 where the Back End returns a Random Secret Key that is used by the Test App (Test Game) when it talks to the Back End.
But I am not too sure how the communication is done between the Front End to the Back End.
Is it just normal fetch to the Back End via HTTPS, if so, then is there a certain format / structure to it?
I am already sending the auth.token to the Back End within onAuthorized do I need to send anything else like (auth.channelId, auth.userId) ?
I understand that I have to also send auth.token with any communication between the Front and Back Ends.
I am just unsure the format / structure, I must be blind due to I have gone through the entire reference for Extensions because I still have no clue how its done.