Getting a message on my embeds that goes away after a while

Hi! I am getting this message while watching streams directly on I never got this message before, it started around 9 AM EST on 2/25. I have adblockers, but they have whitelisted so I’ve always seen ads previously. Why did this suddenly start happening? How do I make it stop? Its infuriating and makes channels that I can’t monetarily support by subscribing unwatchable.


Fully disable your adblocker, then reload the page.

This suggests you didn’t allowlist everything/the relevant things that need to be allowlisted

Or one of your other browser extensions updated and is messing with the player

Hello dear twitch users,

I am not a native english speaker so I don’t understand what “embed” means.
All I know is that I have been facing this problem since today watching streams directly on Twitch and as soon as I read it, I disabeled my adblockers for and yet, I keep having this frustrating screen.

What are the concrete steps to get rid of it? If the problem is not on my side, when will it end? (I am honestly already sick of it, sorry for the blunt speach) 25 February

Update 26 February : I have noticed you added a timer to let us know how long the purple screen will last but when it hits 0, it restarts from 30 seconds 3 to 4 times. Please just make it stop, one day is enough to tell people to shut down their addblockers.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: The great big “I’m using WIX/SomeWebsiteMaking Tool and I don’t know how to fix my embed” thread

You may have a misconfigured adblocker that is still affecting the Twitch page installed - refer to this for some more information:

Are there any updates on this? I wasn’t experiencing this last year but recently it’s been really bothering me and my experience. As a developer this is something that shouldn’t be released until it gets perfected or at least less of a nuisance.

Will this resolve the purple screen thing? It’s been bothering me for a while now. I wasn’t getting purple screened before.

The experiment is a separate thing to the purple screen, and that experiment has since concluded.

The last official update was from BlueLava earlier in this thread. All embeds get the Purple Screen of Death, Twitch are looking into the impact it has, and if you wish to view Twitch streams without that purple screen then viewing directly on the Twitch site, with all ad blockers disabled, is your only option.

Is there a discussion with update on the PSOD?

At this point Discussions and “feature requests” should be taken to the uservoice rather than the Third Party Developer forums. The embeds section is located here

Hey Barry!

Can you please point to the specific thread or threads over on User Voice where this discussion continues? I can’t seem to find anything that’s quite as in depth or up to date as the thread here.

Thanks very much!

I don’t know of any, having not made one myself.

So let me get this straight. Twitch INTENTIONALLY shows a message interrupting the running stream every 10 minutes for at least 30 seconds (90 seconds most of the time in my experience), telling people “hey, if your experience with the stream is not optimal, go to our own website”, ignoring the fact that it is Twitch themselves creating a suboptimal experience. And you see nothing wrong with that? Really? Sounds hypocritical at best.

This kills EVERY community website for streamers and especially hurts small streamers that aren’t partners, so that Squad Streams are not an option.

Please fix this ASAP.

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Yes, the message is intensional. Please see the solution marked at the top of this discussion for more context. The teams who focus on the embedded experience have received great feedback from developers and viewers alike, and are considering ways in which this experience can be improved.

If you are a Twitch broadcaster or viewer, and would like to leave further feedback, please take advantage of UserVoice. Search for existing suggestions regarding the embedded experience to upvote and provide comments.

Until there are further updates to share, I am going to close this discussion as feedback regarding this topic is best shared with teams via UserVoice. Given the popularity of the discussion here, we will respond to this thread with any changes that occur. Thank you.