Hello, I am getting a message on the video players on my embeds if I am not logged into twitch and do not have any ad blocking enabled for the site. I am not sure if it is an issue with how I am embedding the player since I am using the iframe way to embed. The message does go away after a while and I am wondering if the message is there because of an issue with pre roll ads? I have only started seeing this message since yesterday (December 19th).
That’s due to ad blocks or other extensions that manipulate the embed. If it was the coding it shouldn’t load the embed at all.
I see, thank you for your response. I have never seen that message before so I thought I messed something up.
It seems like if I ever the the message once, I get it a lot across multiple browsers no matter if an ad blocker is installed or not, or if privacy tracking is disabled or not. I assume it just takes a while for the message to go away with everything like ad blockers and privacy tracking disabled.
Getting this all the time. Annoying. No ad-blocker and haven’t disabled ad tracking.
My users have also been seeing this. It is in place of what I assume to be pre/mid roll ads event though and ad blocker is not being used. I don’t think twitch runs ads on embeds. But this is quite annoying there is not even a timer or anything to indicate that it will go away. I have had multiple users think that they were being completely blocked from viewing a stream.
@KrisCoulson this seems to be an issue with Twitch itself. I recently started seeing that same screen in the official twitch PC app when doing popout screens to watch streams. I have no adblockers installed.
Getting this also on standard embeds, no adblocker etc. Is there any additional steps we need to take to avoid this?
I am also getting this on my site - I have no ad/script blockers on either. In my experience, the message appears after watching a specific channel through embeds for an extended period of time. I suspect it’s a move to try and bring users who are watching largely through embeds to twitch.tv itself, since no ads are played on embeds and thus no revenue generated. If any twitch employee could comment on the future direction/plans for embeds that would be much appreciated.
Same for me.
I’m using Twitch embedding during app development and I’ve got hardcoded channel to show every time page is hot reloaded. So it seems like I’ve been “watching” that channel for too long.
Switching to another initial channel to show makes this message disappear. But yeah, this is annoying
I’m also getting this on my site which embeds Twitch streams. Previously, the ads would show. I would rather see the ads than this message. Has anyone found a solution?
Also have these issues. Before, we had to comply with the new Twitch standard in order to fix broken embeds, this was back Twitch Embedded Player Updates in 2020 - Announcements - Twitch Developer Forums February 2020.
My website complies with these requirements, but now I get these before mentioned issues too. It’s not limited to just the small fry. For example, websites like https://gamesdonequick.com/ also suffer from the same issues.
No adblockers or scripts are used, browser cache was cleared to be sure.
I am having a similar problem. I have embedded the video and chat on a page on my site according to the docs using the twitch.js embed code. It’s been working without a problem until a week or two ago where I started getting these messages. In addition all my viewers are seeing the message as well. I polled my viewers about it and every one of them viewing my stream on my embed are getting the message. I can’t say if my viewers are or are not using ad blockers but I don’t think ALL of them are. Also I am 100% sure I am not. I am a developer and do not ever use ad blockers. I have verified the problem across all browsers as well as checked both OSX and Windows.
Can somebody from Twitch please comment on this and tell us if there is a way for us to avoid this notice? As mentioned by somebody else, I would rather show adverts than have this obnoxious notice showing whenever we load an embed.
We have our embed with the parent’s set correctly following the changes earlier this year, but surely there must be some other way we can validate as a source site to avoid this notice?
For those asking for a response from Twitch, the following quote is by @jbulava from the TwitchDev Discord server on the 5th Jan.
There is nothing more on this topic since then, so please be patient while it’s looked in to, as there may be some devs at Twitch still working on backlogs and things from over the Christmas break, and this may involve multiple teams internally. Twitch are aware of peoples issues with Embeds currently, and when they have more information to release they will.
Thank you for your patience while we gathered information to make sure our response was accurate and informative. The purple ad blocking message has clearly caused confusion for users of your experiences that rely on Twitch embeds and we apologize for not being more proactive with communication regarding a change to the embed experience.
The purple message seen in a Twitch embed was designed to address ad blocking and is shown periodically to all embed viewers. Many ad blockers modify ad behavior on Twitch and can result in abnormal behavior. This screen was put in place to help alert viewers with ad blockers as to why they may be receiving an unintended experience. This approach was the most appropriate action when implemented, however we will continue to explore ways to improve this experience for all viewers moving forward when addressing issues regarding the ads experience.
Hello jbulava,
Thank you for the clarification. So just to be sure, the target of the change was adblock and this is not the intended outcome for embeds correct? To confirm, there is work being done to see what can be done to mitigate the negative impacts the change has on embed however there is no clear timeline for when it may be resolved?
This message doesn’t show up on twitch itself, so if the target is ad blockers why show it specifically on embeds?
Thanks for responding. I was wondering if there was any way to indicate that the message will disappear after a while or partially cover the video with the message or something? The main issue I am having with the message right now is that people will see the message and they won’t have any indication that the message will go away at all and leave the page before it goes away.
So just to be sure, the target of the change was adblock and this is not the intended outcome for embeds correct?
Yes to number 1, no to number 2. Yes, this change addresses an adblocking concern and it’s effect on the Twitch viewing experience, but showing the message in all embeds was the intended effect in order to address it.
To confirm, there is work being done to see what can be done to mitigate the negative impacts the change has on embed however there is no clear timeline for when it may be resolved?
Teams are investigating if and how the adblocking concerns can be addressed while also mitigating the effect on all embeds. There is no further commitment or timeline at the moment.
This message doesn’t show up on twitch itself, so if the target is ad blockers why show it specifically on embeds?
Unfortunately, I cannot provide an answer to this question publicly.
people will see the message and they won’t have any indication that the message will go away at all and leave the page
This is great feedback and I will mention this in case there is an opportunity to update the message and/or provide such an indicator.
What I don’t understand is why I’m getting this issue on a clean browser without addons and without any network layer ad blocking. I still get the message about addons being the specific issue on screen. Now I must ask; Is this play really to get rid of adblockers or is it to get rid of embeds? Does Twitch wants us to go through a validation process in order to whitelist external domains through frame policies? The answer about not being able to answer this question publicly makes me skeptical whether or not the given reason is the true reason/intention.
I’m interested too. In my site I use the code you give to us and it’s frustrating to see that message