Getting selected on-screen celebration emote via EventSub


I’ve looked around the EventSub reference, checked the changelogs and even tried to find similar topics on the forums about this.

Is it currently not possible to get information about the emote which was selected by the user when doing the on-screen celebration power-up via the EventSub channel.channel_points_automatic_reward_redemption.add subscription? The notification payload event type shows that the type can be “celebration” but that seems to be all the provided information about it.

I’ve found this answer Power-up events - #4 by BarryCarlyon stating that information about the on-screen celebration power-up is provided at the channel.channel_points_automatic_reward_redemption.add subscription but maybe the actual emote information is provided at another subscription type?

I hope I didn’t just completely overlook the information and it is totally obvious where to get that piece of information about the on-screen celebration redeem. :grimacing:

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

I just remembered that: It’s being worked on.

Thanks for the answer! Crossing my fingers that this’ll be resolved soon then. :slight_smile:

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