Ghost EventSub subscription won't delete

I’ve removed the 2 subscription id’s i had stored on my end for channel (Maximilian_DOOD). However i continue receiving either channel.update or subs. I’ve logged the subscription id ec0d5710-a3b0-41d7-a43f-320fd651d739, but when i go to delete it with Insomnia it says

	"error": "Not Found",
	"status": 404,
	"message": "not found"

Could someone manually delete it for me, or show me how? Thanks

Are you using the correct ClientID? IE did you use a different clientID to create the sub to the one you are trying to use to delete the sub

Are you calling the right endpoint with the right verb?

Do they show in “Get EventSub subscriptions”

Are they retries or initial messages?

yes clientids match. I’ve only ever used this account. however it could be that i regged the sub on an older client id and thats why i cant delete it. How would i go about retrieving that clientid. with DELETE verb

No it does not show up when i get the subscriptions

i don’t log the whole message, but ill add it and see if it says either

Then sounds like different ClientID, hence the 404 and still getting data

or legacy retries (so check you are 2xx OK’ing to them rather than non 2xx’ing, as that’ll cause the retry till retry max. I don’t think deleting a sub will remove “pending” retries.

Not quite sure what you mean by account here.

An account creates one of more clientID’s in the developer console. So an account can have many, (like I have 50ish clientID’s and another 30’ish extensions for example)

I checked the dev console, i only have a single application and client id. If i have a sub on an old client id, is there any way for me to retrieve that?

I’ll have to check tonight then if it’s a legacy call. He doesn’t come online a lot anymore.

No. Not to my knowledge.

That said if you delete a client ID you’d expect Twitch to auto nail subscriptions.

Alright, ill just have to wait till tonight to see what exactly i am receiving from Twitch.

Received event: 
	"subscription": {
		"id": "ec0d5710-a3b0-41d7-a43f-320fd651d739",
		"status": "enabled",
		"type": "",
		"version": "1",
		"condition": {
			"broadcaster_user_id": "30104304"
		"transport": {
			"method": "webhook",
			"callback": "***"
		"created_at": "2022-07-03T15:20:15.50809875Z",
		"cost": 1
	"event": {
		"id": "44951777915",
		"broadcaster_user_id": "30104304",
		"broadcaster_user_login": "maximilian_dood",
		"broadcaster_user_name": "Maximilian_DOOD",
		"type": "live",
		"started_at": "2024-10-24T03:00:19Z"
Header: Connection: keep-alive
Header: Host: localhost:5000
Header: User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Header: Accept-Encoding: gzip
Header: Content-Type: application/json
Header: Max-Forwards: 10
Header: Content-Length: 508
Header: Twitch-Eventsub-Message-Id: QOj-WpezBCnIlBSM-J8judxwlirJjXfawVhGzTNeYVM=
Header: Twitch-Eventsub-Message-Retry: 0
Header: Twitch-Eventsub-Message-Signature: sha256=fef2954ca7c9e1e372a41ccc772154b10c6902d77cce1cfb91f19aea1fbd707b
Header: Twitch-Eventsub-Message-Timestamp: 2024-10-24T03:00:33.005092157Z
Header: Twitch-Eventsub-Message-Type: notification
Header: Twitch-Eventsub-Subscription-Is-Batching-Enabled: false
Header: Twitch-Eventsub-Subscription-Type:
Header: Twitch-Eventsub-Subscription-Version: 1
Header: X-Original-URL: /webhooks/callback
Header: X-Forwarded-For:
Header: X-ARR-SSL: ***
Header: X-ARR-LOG-ID: 98a67952-e46d-46d9-90db-27e4846acfc1

i think it’s some forgotten clientid, can someone go in the back and turn it off? :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’ve lost/deleted the clientID then you can’t generate tokens for it as you have also lost the client secret.

So the solve here is to return a non 2xx code for this as you don’t want/expect this data and wait for the service to give up and self delete it

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