Handling Webhook for AutoMod Messages subscription

Hi there.

I am building a sort of chat input and autoMod output system where I will use a webhook to grab messages that were held by AutoMod. Using a publicly available ngrok callback URL for my webhook, I have successfully subscribed to events such as channel.messages-- but after successfully subscribing, verifying messages, and handling challenges, I just can’t seem to receive anything from modded events. I have checked multiple times that I’m using the right user access tokens, app access tokens, and userIds. I have also made sure that the user has mod status in the specified channel.

Is there something I’m missing? Has anyone else successfully received event notifications from the automod.message subscription? Please help.


Can you clarify what topics you are using?
And the condition you have specified?

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Possible related problem

  • This could be an issue related to the Twitch bug mentioned HERE and the official issue filed on GitHub HERE by @BarryCarlyon


No PubSub != EventSub

Totally different things

And the linked github issue applies to Extensions on mobile specifically

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OK. Thank you for the clarification. Should I just delete the comment to avoid confusing people ?

commenting so maybe someone may stumble upon this and be my saving grace… but thanks @thePlebDev, appreciate the effort.

hey yeah! what do you mean by topics? I’m using the generic automod message where any message that is held by automod should trigger the event and I would receive it in my callback. Are there specific conditions I need to specify? Thanks!

When you create a subscription you specify what data you need. That is declared as type also referred to as topic

So what topics/types are you subscription to