How to determine if a chat message is a "first ever" with EventSub


I’m currently in the process of migrating my bot functionality from IRC to EventSub so that I can maintain bots in multiple channels with the new changes happening. However one thing I’ve stumbled on in my implementation is that the Channel Chat Message Notification seems to lack information as to if this is a users first-ever message on the channel, which I previously had in IRC.

Will this be added and/or is there another way to check this? I’d rather not remove this functionality from my service if it can be helped.


EventSub doesn’t provide the first-msg tag

So it needs a uservoice/upvoting existing uservoice.
And relying on IRC until it’s on eventsub

Edit I found one:

Thanks - I’ve upvoted that, hopefully it’ll be implemented in the future. Can’t realistically rely on running both IRC and webhooks but I’ll try and figure something out.

Hi @thedanives,

I have a question for you, I’m implementing the same, but with IRC. Is kind of hard to read/listen to multiple channels at the same time.

With the webhooks approach, are you able to listen to any channel? Or only for the channel for which you have the access token?

Webhooks (and conduits) requires permission from the broadcaster to allow you to be present.

This little guide I wrote covers the permissions structure for chat over eventsub twitch_misc/eventsub/websockets/web/chat at main · BarryCarlyon/twitch_misc · GitHub

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