So, currently I can check if the token is valid and also get some information from it, like the ClientID, UserID, Username and stuff…
What I want now:
I want to instantly revoke it via C# script, if the token is valid, so there is no risk, if you accidently leak the token… But I don’t know how (/._.)/
You’ll need to construct a POST request as shown
With client_id/token as query string arguments
I’ve heard this a lot, but I don’t know how I do that, because I get errors, and I don’t know how to fix them…
Like in this example, I can’t convert the OAuth Token to HttpContent…
My C# is rusty but it should be
"" + client_id + "&token=" + token
All you did there was add the oAuth token to the URL which will generate a 404
That is an perfect “I don’t know why I get an error” example
So fixed or still getting an error?
What error are you getting?
I could do it like the 1st way, but then I’m only sending the client_id
If I do it the 2nd way, he’s asking for an “CancellationToken”
Don’t send it as a “CancellationToken”
Also you don’t have to post screenshots
Just do four spaces and your code
like this
await httpclient.PostAsync("" + client_id + "&token=" + token);
The cancellationToken
is nothing to do with oAuth revocation it’s for C# to receive a notification of a cancellation of the request.
var revokeOldToken = await httpclient.PostAsync("", client_id + "&token=" + httpOAuth);
If I do it that way, the client_id + "&token=" + httpOAuth
part is an error (convert from string to HttpContent impossible)
Okay, I don’t get an error anymore, the last thing I have to do, is to substring the client_id from the OAuth validate message and then test it! I will let you know if it works.
I always get this error message: {“status”:400,“message”:“missing client id”}
I’ve split the client Id from the OAuth validation, and post it like you told me… I don’t know what I am doing wrong…
Okay I fixed it with this:
var splitPoint = content.IndexOf(":", 1);
var endpoint = content.IndexOf(",", 1);
var splitClient_id = content.Substring(1);
splitClient_id = content.Substring(splitPoint + 2, endpoint - splitPoint - 3);
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, $"{splitClient_id}&token={OAuth_Token}");
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpclient.SendAsync(request);
Thank you for your help
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December 23, 2020, 3:05am
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