Introducing the game developer global chat badge

Sounds like you need. a uservoice -

Twitch (at most) runs five badges in the following configuration

  1. [selected prediction outcome]
  2. [staff]
  3. [channel rank (broadcaster/mod/vip)]
  4. [subbadge]
  5. [customisable slot]

The Game Developer badge (and listening only) falls into the final slot. As there is only the one customisable slot


I am the owner of an organization but I see no badge, I am the only member and have 2 approved games.

Its likely that your organization was registered as the wrong type. Please email with your organization name and request the type to be changed to Game Developer.

I send them an email, but it says it will probably take a while due to the amount of emails they are getting.

They responded and it has been changed.

Can’t see the toggle either. Org name is Lince Works

Very cool thing!

how long did you wait? :smiley:

A post was split to a new topic: Day By Daylight Skins?

I can’t see the toggle either ‘‘Org name: Cloud Studios’’


Is there anything planned for software developers as well ? or testers ?


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Anyone that is part of an Organization on Twitch that owns a game is eligible to use the Badge.

As an example, I am actually only a Translator for the Game I got the Badge for.

This answers your question

Closing comments now that we’re 2 months past the announcement. It’s great to see the enthusiasm for this new feature! If you are a game developer and not seeing the setting to enable the chat badge, please remember that you must have ownership of a category/game available on Twitch.

If your Twitch organization does own a category and the setting is still not available in the developer console, you may reach out to the email address mentioned above to troubleshoot any issues. We will update this comment in the future if the method for support is updated.

For additional questions, feel free to open a new topic here on the forums or join the TwitchDev Discord server.


As of October 18, 2024 the game developer chat badge has been decommisioned. For more information about this decisions, please see Restoring organization reviews, and decommissioning the game developer chat badge.