Introducing the game developer global chat badge

As of October 18, 2024 the game developer chat badge has been decommisioned. For more information about this decisions, please see Restoring organization reviews, and decommissioning the game developer chat badge.

By providing game developers and game publishers a unique way to be more visible and verifiable in chat, we can facilitate better conversations with the Twitch creators playing their content as well as their communities. To contribute to that effort, we are introducing the game developer global chat badge.

For the most up-to-date information about how the game developer chat badge is displayed, please refer to the Game Developer Badge Twitch help article. For developers who are interested in managing the chat badge, please refer to the Twitch Organizations documentation. For convenience, we have provided much of this information below to answer some initial questions.

Who can enable and disable this chat badge?

The game developer chat badge is specifically for Twitch Organizations in the developer console that are game developers or game publishers, and have ownership of at least one Twitch category. This badge is an opt-in feature; once enabled by an organization administrator, members of the organization are given the ability to equip the game developer badge from the chat identity settings when on a channel page.

Organization members can disable the chat badge from their chat identity settings at any time and organization administrators can disable the badge for the entire organization at any time. If a member of the organization is removed or leaves, their game developer chat badge is removed automatically as well.

How is the badge displayed?

When the game developer chat badge option is enabled by an organization, it will be available in each members’ chat identity settings. For the privacy of our users, the game developer chat badge will NOT be displayed in the badge list of the viewer card (the popup when clicking on a username in chat) if it is not an active global chat badge. This allows an organization to provide the option to its members while letting individuals decide if they want their account to be publicly associated with the developer or publisher. When in use, the viewer card will display a list of all organizations that have enabled the game developer chat badge and links to their company websites.

As a developer, how do I get started?

As the administrator of a Twitch Organization, you can enable the game developer chat badge by visiting the Twitch developer console and look for the Manage Organization settings under your Organizations. There is a toggle in the top bar next to the role filter that is used to enable or disable badges for your organization.

I do not see the toggle?

If you are a game developer and do not see the toggle option to enable chat badges for your organization, please remember that you must have ownership of one or more categories/games available on Twitch for this feature to be available.

If your Twitch organization does own a category and the setting is still not available in the developer console, this may be due to the organization being categorized as something other than “Game Developer/Publisher.” Please reach out to to request a change to your organizations type or for further assistance.


I don’t see where to enable the badge. There is no mention of it on the Manage Organizations page. If I click Manage for my org, it takes me to a list of members and their roles. Still no mention of the badge. I’m pretty sure my org (Studio Bean) is registered as a Game Developer.


OneMrBean it has to be approved, if you head to: Twitch Developers

You should see this:

Run through the form, and you’ll get a message that it may take around a week to be verified.

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I’m in the same position as onemrbean, cannot see where this can be enabled, just getting a list of members/roles under the manage button.

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Same as for others above.

I am an admin of the organization with 5 approved games however when heading to the ‘Manage organization’ tab it only shows a list of roles and people within the org.

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Hi I have updated the post to be a little more descriptive of exactly where you will want to look to enable badges for your organization. If you look there and it is still not there, please leave your organization name and I will investigate further! @holmzy @onemrbean

Thanks, the toggle is definitely not there. After the Role: [All] dropdown, nothing else is listed. I have 5 registered games under the organization Studio Bean. Thanks!

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Same thing here, I don’t see it anywhere.

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I don’t see the toggle next to the role drop down as shown in the above picture.

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Just joining in with the group of people who are not seeing this option. Org name: Unlok.

Tried on multiple browsers, still not seeing it @sramirez

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The toggle is still not there, unfortunately. Organisation name: Crytek

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Post was updated again. I looked into the mentioned orgs and this does apply for all of the ones I have seen so far @Beedyboy @onemrbean @drathy @holmzy


The creator of Choice Chamber, one of the best ways to interact with your chat, doesn’t qualify to be a game developer?

Do billing managers get the toggle too?

I see the slider but since I am listed as the owner (as a single indie dev), it won’t let me change ‘Owner’ role to ‘Developer’ so that I can have the badge. How do I get around that?

All members of an organization will recieve the badge regardless of role.

No toggle options are restricted to Owners and Administrators only.

Ah ok, so just the fact that the slider is enabled means I should see it in chat. Thanks.

I was hoping we could use the developer badge with our other badges like “Listening Only” badge so we can better understand each other. However, it appears we can only select 1 at a time.