I’ve been desperate here for days. Searching for everything that come in to my mind, reading many discuss on this side, but i don´t find anything that hepls me.
I was commissioned to build a Discord bot, that sends a message to an discord channel, when someone is starting a live stream. I use Twitch4J for this stuff. But, Twitch4J don`t give me the opportunity, to fetch a channel description and profiel image.
So i tryed to talk to the API directly.
I´ve build an AccesToken generator:
public static TwitchAccesToken getAccesToken() {
if(accesToken!=null && !accesToken.isExpired()){
logger.info("Twitch-acces-token | Is valid");
return accesToken;
logger.warn("Twitch-acces-token | Generating a new token!");
String url = "https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/token?";
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.post(url)
.header("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
String jsonResponse = response.getBody();
JsonObject json = new Gson().fromJson(jsonResponse, JsonObject.class);
return new TwitchAccesToken(json);
The TwitchAccesToken objekt from the code above.
package de.minetrain.kekbot.discord.features.live_notification.obj;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
* This class represents a Twitch access token, which is used to authorize requests to the Twitch API.
* @author MineTrain/Justin
* @since 28.01.2023
* @version 1.0
public class TwitchAccesToken {
private final int expiresIn; //The number of milliseconds until the access token expires.
private final String accessToken; //The actual access token value.
private final String tokenType; //The token type, which should always "bearer" for Twitch access tokens.
* Constructs a new TwitchAccessToken object from a JSON object.
* @param json The JSON object containing the access token data.
public TwitchAccesToken(JsonObject json) {
this.expiresIn = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(json.get("expires_in")));
this.accessToken = String.valueOf(json.get("access_token"));
this.tokenType = String.valueOf(json.get("token_type"));
System.out.println(accessToken+", "+tokenType+", "+expiresIn);
*** Getter removed ***
* Check if the token is expired
* @return true if expiresIn < 5 else false
public boolean isExpired(){
return (expiresIn>5) ? false:true;
public String toString() {
return accessToken;
And then tryed to talk to the API:
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("https://api.twitch.tv/helix/users")
.header("Authorization", "Bearer "+TwitchManager.getAccesToken())
.header("Client-Id", TwitchManager.clientId)
.queryString("id", channelId)
.queryString("login", channelName)
String jsonResponse = response.getBody();
JsonObject json = new Gson().fromJson(jsonResponse, JsonObject.class);
But everything i got was this:
{“error”:“Unauthorized”,“status”:401,“message”:“Invalid OAuth token”}
And yes, the acces token is valid, i tryed to log it and it was there:
Token: “exampletoken1234567890”, Type: “bearer”, Exp: 4861876
I´ve heart about the fact, that you need an user access token to access profile images.
But i wonder, how to do this. I have no user Integration, i only need an profile image, based on a twitch channel name, without any user Integration.
Someone an idea how to fix this, or were i can lock for a Solution?