At TwitchCon 2019, we announced we will be bringing Subscriptions to iOS via Sub Tokens in October. Users will purchase Sub Tokens in bundles on iOS, much like they purchase Bits today. At launch, starting as early as mid-October, one Sub Token will equal one month of non-recurring Tier 1 subscription benefits. With Sub Tokens, for the first time ever, users will be able to “extend” their subscription benefits by adding (or “stacking”) 1-11 tokens on top of their current non-recurring subscription (Token sub, Gift sub, Prime sub).
As part of this launch, we are introducing a new type of usernotice to our IRC functionality for this event, which is distinct from our existing new sub and sub-anniversary usernotices. When a user extends their subscription, an “extend” usernotice will be triggered automatically.
These new usernotices will use the following schema:
{username} extended their Tier 1 subscription through {subBenefitEndMonth}!
- {username} - name of the user
- {subBenefitEndMonth} - the new month that the subscription will end on.
New Field:
msg-params-sub-benefit-end-month - a number value representing the index of a month.
- ex) msg-params-sub-benefit-end-month: “1” → corresponds to January
- ex) msg-params-sub-benefit-end-month: “12” → corresponds to December
Example 1: A user with a 1-month subscription and 16 months of subscription tenure extends their sub by 1 month. They now have subscription benefits through April.
Example Payload
@badge-info=subscriber/1;badges=staff/1,subscriber/0,premium/1;color=;display-name=olivetan;emotes=;flags=;id=6031612b-bd79-4a89-a1a3-b8f3f8bc7573;login=olivetan;mod=0;msg-id=extendsub;msg-param-sub-benefit-end-month=4;msg-param-sub-plan=1000;msg-param-cumulative-months=16;room-id=434858776;subscriber=1;system-msg=olivetan\sextended\stheir\sTier\s1\ssubscription\sthrough\sApril!;tmi-sent-ts=1565212333824;user-id=433099049;user-type=staff USERNOTICE #pennypicklesthedog
Message Parameters
- Channel username=pennypicklesthedog
- msg-id=extendsub
- msg-param-sub-benefit-end-month=4
- msg-param-sub-plan=1000
- msg-param-cumulative-months=16
User Notice:
olivetan extended their Tier 1 subscription through April!
Example 2: A user has previously subscribed for 6 months in a row (until December). They extend their subscription by 2 more months by stacking two more tokens on their sub., They now have subscription benefits through February.
Example Payload:
@badge-info=subscriber/1;badges=staff/1,subscriber/0,premium/1;color=;display-name=olivetan;emotes=;flags=;id=6031612b-bd79-4a89-a1a3-b8f3f8bc7573;login=olivetan;mod=0;msg-id=extendsub;msg-param-sub-benefit-end-month=2;msg-param-sub-plan=1000;msg-param-cumulative-months=6;room-id=434858776;subscriber=1;system-msg=olivetan\sextended\stheir\sTier\s1\ssubscription\sthrough\sFebruary!;tmi-sent-ts=1565212333824;user-id=433099049;user-type=staff USERNOTICE #pennypicklesthedog
Message Parameters
- Channel username=pennypicklesthedog
- msg-id=extendsub
- msg-param-sub-benefit-end-month=2
- msg-param-sub-plan=1000
- msg-param-cumulative-months=6
User Notice:
olivetan extended their Tier 1 subscription through February!