New Extension Policy Updates Including a Moderation Section

Today we have published a new version of our Extensions Guidelines and Policies. We have been working on some new policies that we believe will help protect our broadcasters by providing them a way to moderate content within the Extensions they are using. For more information on these new policies, please take a look at the new “Moderation” section.

We have also added an addition to item 4.2 under the “Content Policy” section which, at the time of this announcement, reads, “If the Extension has chat capabilities enabled, the description must include how the Extension interacts with the chat.”

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Nice to see some information about this.
I do have some questions.
7.3: Extensions must clearly display the Twitch username of the user who submitted or published the user content.
If the only person that can upload images is the streamer, do we have to display its name too?

On 7.4: Extensions must provide broadcasters with the ability to remove any user content published through an Extension on their channel.
Are we talking about an hard delete? or soft delete? Like if a user post something not allowed, do we keep it to report to Twitch, or let the streamer remove it totally?

7.5: Extensions must prevent users who have been banned or timed out from using chat in a channel from submitting or publishing user content through an Extension on that channel.
How can we know if a user is banned? At the moment, there is no way an extension can know that information since the JWT doesn’t include the info and the extension do not have the access to the related scopes.

7.5 is great and all but we need a


But for “Channel Moderation scope” so an extension can perform the ban/timeout lookup without needing a separate oAuth loop being made by the extension developer.

Threw this up on uservoice for coverage Copy Subscription Support for channel moderation support in extensions – Twitch UserVoice


Like others on here, regarding ‘7.5’ I would like user banned information to be available via the JWT or some extension helper api, otherwise we need to stop users submitting content until the streamer runs a custom login with oauth?

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Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. The team found these comments very helpful and insightful! We are currently investigating a way to make this process easier on developers and hope to check back soon with more information.

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is there any update on this topic?

I can’t see a related ticket on the roadmap.