No pupsub on Bits Transaction in Extension

Hey i use a bit buy with ```

window.Twitch.ext.bits.onTransactionComplete gives back
but i got no PubSub message

Pubsub have a sub on Extension Bits Transaction Create extension.bits_transaction.create

what i miss?

This is an eventsub topic.

So are you using eventsub or pubsub?

i use webhook sorry

is the subscription still valid/actually state enabled?

last I checked this topic works regardless of extension state (released/localtest)

yes if i try to renew its say 409 {“error”:“Conflict”,“status”:409,“message”:“subscription already exists”}

im on hosted Test

so it dont need any EBS action?

ah i see in my log that a message is comming but i have a error in the code



That would do it :smiley:

I can confirm it is working for extensions in local or hosted test having checked just now.

so for me it dont coast bits if i fire yes?

Refer to the testing criteria on what/when/how bits are used or not used.

The test scenario I used didn’t use any bits

thats why it says 0

ah ok! Thanks :wink: