Hello there, i have a twitch organization application in peding status for a couple of years, and now i noticed twitch organizations review are paused.
Is there any estimate of how long this will take? I would like to have an organization to claim my game.
Same problem here, we don’t get beyond“pending“
Same it’s been quite a few months now and not heard back from them as it’s paused for a long time, there wasn’t an estimate when I asked support.
I’m hoping they would sort this out sooner than later though, normally it takes a whole business week. It’s been far too long could always ask support again and see
My application has been pending for months now as well. I tried pinging @TwitchSupport on Twitter but got no response.
all they would do is send you here anyway
as per Organizations | Twitch Developers
Reviews for organizations and chatbot verification continue to be temporarily paused while we revise our processes. Reviews for Extensions and game ownership have resumed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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