Searching videos by game is broken for video chapters

This is a continuation of this thread, which was auto-closed without getting any response, but I figured it deserves its own thread and hopefully not another 30 days of silence: API is missing information about video chapters

This bug affects both the API and the website itself: If you filter by a game, only videos matching these criteria are found:

  • video has no video chapters and the game is the filtered game
  • videos does have video chapters and the very first video chapter is the filtered game

The bug is that videos matching the following criteria are not found:

  • videos that have video chapters and any other than the first chapter is the filtered game

Here’s an album illustrating the problem on the official Twitch website:

And here’s an API call illustrating that the API behaves the same:

PS C:\Users\felk> Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers "" | ConvertTo-Json
    "data": [
            "id": "458363038",
            "user_name": "Lolathon",
            "title": "Lets see whats going on | Vrchat | New Avatars | !DSC",
            "view_count": 6092,
            "id": "459270981",
            "user_name": "Lolathon",
            "title": "Chill sunday | Vrchat | !DSC",
            "view_count": 3038,
            "id": "457719017",
            "user_name": "피아노캣",
            "title": "뭐야 내 피아노캣 돌려줘요 (Virtual Stremmer)",
            "view_count": 2980,
            "id": "458983207",
            "user_name": "Miss_Universe",
            "title": "Ascension Academy Episode 26: Almost All Better",
            "view_count": 2425,
    "pagination": {
        "cursor": "eyJiIjpudWxsLCJhIjp7Ik9mZnNldCI6NH19"

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