Sometimes the Color property is empty on

So I’m subscribing to the event from the Eventsub, but for some accounts that send messages, the color property is empty. Why is this?

Event(id=null, type=null, name=null, broadcaster_user_id=236..., broadcaster_user_login=te..., broadcaster_user_name=Te..., chatter_user_id=23..., chatter_user_login=te..., chatter_user_name=Te..., message_id=ea..., message=Message(text=are u gonna play texas today, fragments=[Fragment(type=text, text=are u gonna play texas today, cheermote=null, emote=null, mention=null)]), color=, badges=[Badge(set_id=broadcaster, id=1, info=)], message_type=text, cheer=null, reply=null, channel_points_custom_reward_id=null, source_broadcaster_user_id=null, source_broadcaster_user_login=null, source_broadcaster_user_name=null, source_message_id=null, source_badges=null, started_at=null, channel_points_animation_id=null)

I use the scopes:


Becuase the user didn’t pick a color

From the IRC/old Chat docs:

The color of the user’s name in the chat room. This is a hexadecimal RGB color code in the form, #. This tag may be empty if it is never set.