SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''

Hello, I saw the old topics for:
SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ‘’ and saw that in one of them the issue was set as fixed. But now few months later we receive same error while we calling the API.
Please advise if it is the problem of ‘’ SSL certificate or there is something missing.

Working fine here on my implcit example

Which step are you seeing this issue at?
Sounds like your local cert bundle is out of date

I think it is on first step when we call the API and need to receive the token.

So on the redirect to Twitch?

That suggests that the cert bundle on the computer or browser you are using is out of date, or your clock is super out of sync which can cause odd problems.

Not an API issue per sae, but a problem with the connecting client.

The clock is up to date (using ntp service) will check certificates.
Thanks for now, will post the result.

Certificate bundle updated, and still receiving the curl error.
What is the certificate used for

Yes, I have same result in browser but when call the API with curl receive :
cURL error 51: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ‘

Then your SSL/Cert bundle would appear to be out of date on the server.
Or you have something else wrong on the server.

is there any alternative name for ?


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