Subscription vs Resub

Trying to understand how to count the number of subs given during a single transaction rather than the total cumulated over all time. Consider the following scenarios:

Scenario A:

User Bob subscribes for the first time January 1st 2022 for (1) month.

User Bob subscribes for the second time February 1st 2022 for (1) more month.

  • Does both subscription and resub fire?
  • What is the resub callback userstate.msg-param-cumulative-months value?

User Bob waits one month before subscribing for the third time April 1st 2022 for (1) more month.

  • Does both subscription and resub fire?
  • What is the resub callback userstate.msg-param-cumulative-months value?

Scenario B:

User Jill subscribes for the first time for (3) months.

  • Does both subscription and resub fire?
  • Does subscription callback contain the total count (3) or does the event always equal (1)?
  • What is the resub callback userstate.msg-param-cumulative-months value?


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